Monday, February 27, 2006


Okay, it was a splurge!

A real Kecci Shanghai Mommy Bag in Violet. I loved these bags from the minute I saw them a few years ago. They are so funky and fun. The drawback is that Tim refuses to ever carry it. I might have to get him his own bag!

The downside is that I don't have anything to put into it yet. Yesterday, at the supermarket I told Tim that I needed to get some diapers. He made quite the face and told me that we could probably wait on those.

A big thanks and appreciation to my Dad and Gail. I saved my birthday money to buy it! Posted by Picasa


It isn't till you get the gear that it really begins to hit home.

Tim's Paternal parents (Bob and Dawn) bought us a stroller. We picked it up from Sears yesterday. Tim was so excited to put it together. He then wheeled it around the condo and showed me all the the different things it can do. Yes, Strollers can do a bunch of cool things. We are super happy with this Stroller. The small seat clips out and fits into a car seat.

Seeing this stroller in our living room, really brings it all into perspective. I can't wait to be walking down Bloor street with baby on board! A huge thanks and appreciation to Dawn and Bob for getting us this. Posted by Picasa

Monday, February 20, 2006


I was saying to Tim that it was fitting that we were going to Victoria for our anniversary. When we began this journey to BC, Tim was living on the island and I went and met him in Victoria. As we end this journey we end up going to the Island once more.

We stayed at this beautiful Inn called the English Inn and Resort.
We ate lots of Gelato and walked around the downtown.

We also had the fortune of going to Kelly and Andre's(formally of Toronto) new Restaurant "Queen Mother Waterside Cafe"
It was delicious and the squid was outta this world.
The next day we met them for a walk by their place, which is in Oak Bay and overlooks the water and the mountains.
We also had a chance to go the Museum and see a photo exhibit by Linda McCartney.
It was a perfect weekend, the weather was wonderful and sunny and we did all of the things that we enjoy doing! Posted by Picasa


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31 weeks

31 weeks and 175 pounds

Things are becoming more interesting.

Impossible to bend over at this point. Forgot about shoes with laces!
I can easily lose my breath walking up a flight of stairs.
I feel full after a few bites of food.
Terrible heartburn. I never even had heartburn before in my life. I feel bad for people that endure this without being pregnant.
Truly grossed out by chicken.
Crave chocolate all the time.
The baby keep moving it legs under my ribs, ouch!
Can pee 4 times in one hour! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, February 09, 2006

10 more weeks

I was sitting by the Ocean yesterday eating a well deserved order of fish and chips.
I stared out at the tug boats and the seagulls, and it hit me.
10 more weeks.
10 more weeks and my whole life will change.
Up until this point I have been counting up the weeks and know that I am at 30 weeks I find myself counting down.
Everything seems like a count down.
5 more weeks of work, than 5 weeks more of waiting and then 4 more weeks and we will be back in Toronto.
I have felt like this pregnancy has taken forever.
I think not being surrounded by my friends and family has made the time go by ever so slowly.
Now, as I count down the weeks, it feels as if time is suddenly speeding up.