Thursday, February 09, 2006

10 more weeks

I was sitting by the Ocean yesterday eating a well deserved order of fish and chips.
I stared out at the tug boats and the seagulls, and it hit me.
10 more weeks.
10 more weeks and my whole life will change.
Up until this point I have been counting up the weeks and know that I am at 30 weeks I find myself counting down.
Everything seems like a count down.
5 more weeks of work, than 5 weeks more of waiting and then 4 more weeks and we will be back in Toronto.
I have felt like this pregnancy has taken forever.
I think not being surrounded by my friends and family has made the time go by ever so slowly.
Now, as I count down the weeks, it feels as if time is suddenly speeding up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i was not really HIT until you were born
i looked at you and all I saw was our bond-joining me forever on my journey -unseparable-unstoppable-with your welcomed entry into my empty maternal shell-my life changed as swiftly as I did- a gasp-a short cry-a hunger to BE-that was you Aura-thanks to you I became generational,responsible, and i grew up.

and now I am kvelling watching your metamorphasis.

you may be doing an even better job of this than I did...ha are....